Tuesday 26 December 2017

Manifesto 1.3 (a work in progress)

01. We embrace contradiction and inconsistency. Our point is to be pointless.

02. We are China Pig, Pavlov's Dog's Dinner, Send In The Idiots, Stalag Altman, White Van Man. These names are arbitrary. We encourage everyone to use them. Use them as they are yours.

03. We are anti-art. We make no claims of artistic merit. Within such claims there is absolute freedom. We exist only to combat the plague of innovation.

04. We reject the notion of copyright. Take whatever you want. Plagiarism is the modern artistic method. Plagiarism is artistic crime against property. It is theft and theft is a political act.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Stalag Altman "s.t." Free Download

Stalag Altman "s.t."

1 Track Download EP

Strange track found on an old unmarked CD-R. Probably from 2004 - 2007. Enjoy.
